Code of Conduct, Academic and Attendance Instruction


At Behaviorprise College our program has been set up to ensure maximum success in terms of theoretical information and hand-on practical experience. It is important for all our students to follow the guidelines set out below so that their learning can go smoothly. Our aim is to provide a comfortable and non-threatening educational environment for everyone. While Behaviorprise College maintains a welcoming and enabling atmosphere for all our students, there are certain responsibilities that must be understood and followed by the student.

It is expected and required that all students are aware of and; comply with the following codes of conduct and regulations:

  1. Class attendance and participation constitute a portion of a students’ final grade hence, all students must be present in class so that the Instructor can record their attendance each day in class. This is important for Self-funded and Government funded students. A student must be present for at least 75% of class time to be considered present
  2. Behaviorprise College is a smoke-free environment. This includes the washrooms, library and lab, entrance and exit areas of the college
  3. Once admitted into the College, the email listed in the student contract document will be the primary mode of communicating with students. The listed email address may be changed by speaking with the Campus Administrator or designate. It is the responsibility of all students to check their emails daily for any updates.
  4. Students are not permitted to have visitors or children in the learning areas (classrooms, library or lab) for any reason.
  5. Government-funded students are responsible for following the rules and guidelines as stipulated by their sponsors.
  6. Students are expected to arrive promptly for classes as per times listed on the College provided course outline.
  7. Contact the Campus Administrator or your Instructor as soon as possible for any absence due to an emergency, sickness or any unforeseen circumstance. The Administrator or Instructor will require proof of reason for absence
  8. Only street parking (Petrolia road) is available to students who drive to the College.
  9. No fights will be permitted anywhere on campus. Anyone found fighting will be suspended from the college and may ultimately be expelled. All conflicts/misunderstanding that a student is not able to resolve on their own must be reported to the Campus Administrator
  10. Students are asked to be considerate of others around them and are required to refrain from excessive talking in the training areas (classrooms, lab, library) or behaving in any manner that may cause a disturbance such as yelling or arguing with staff and/ or students, laughing, banging or throwing of items.
  11. Students should not behave in any manner that may disturb businesses operating around Behaviorprise College
  12. Attendance Agreement : Students acknowledge that they must successfully pass all the modules (including module tests and assignments) and satisfactorily complete all practicum hours prior to graduating for all courses
  13. Students also acknowledge that for the placement sections of any program, they are required to complete 100% of placement hours and if for any reason such student was absent at a particular time, they undertake to make arrangements with the supervising instructor (school and placement site) to make-up the missed period prior to graduation.
  14. The College reserves the right to terminate a student’s course and enrolment in the College for any misconduct such as the following:
    • Unprofessional Conduct (including harassment and examination malpractice/cheating)
    • Abuse (physical or verbal)
    • Vandalism
    • Alcohol/drug abuse or distributing
    • Any other gross misconduct