Leadership and Executive Learning Programs

Welcome to the Behaviorprise College Leadership and Executive Learning Centre

Consistent with our learning philosophy, research shows that every activity (policy, law, management, etc) is built on very specific human behaviours and any attempt to influence such activities must derive from a sound understanding of basic behavioural principles.

Our programs and conferences are built on this evidence-based philosophy and have proven to be helpful to practitioners in both the public and private sectors.

S/N Upcoming Programs
01 Performance Management for Line Managers
02 Communication and Leadership conference - Public Sector
03 Communication and Leadership conference - Private Sector
04 Change Management
01 Performance Management for Line Managers
02 Communication and Leadership conference - Public Sector
03 Communication and Leadership conference - Private Sector
04 Change Management
01 Performance Management for Line Managers
02 Communication and Leadership conference - Public Sector
03 Communication and Leadership conference - Private Sector
04 Change Management

Contact our Director, New Business and Innovations for:

  • Conference details
  • Registration information
  • Early bird registration and discounts
  • Group discount

Email: conference@behavioprisecollege.ca
Tel: 416-742-3282